Tianyang well wanted to think and said, "Blue Dragon School, maybe if I say this, you’ll think I’m alienating you, but please tell General Fei Mei to be careful about the number of Yuan."

"I think it’s possible that he will push Qingtianbao into a state of perdition." When the blue dragon body shook, he involuntarily looked at the snow Yan in the hut and said, "I will comment on what you said, but I will take it to you." Tianyang laughed. "Tell Captain…

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由五禽变成七禽甚十二禽也不是不行 后灵青先是将辟死鸦、五德孔雀和剑鹤模板投入中融入到鸟形中 代表鸟形形态变化一分三分别化孔雀、鸦、鹤将形态添七种 紧接着就是法尚未炼成金猴猿形融一体 然后翻看了一头顶模板发现虎、熊、鹿三个五禽戏所包含动物形态并没有多好 索性也能先将聂小倩和梅花山神炼就鹿符融入鹿形中 他们俩中小倩当初就是选鹿形虽然没能晋级但天长日久也将等级练得颇高了 而梅花山神身能力不俗更是借了龙山神印便利将他那枚鹿符也是祭炼颇高 两人鹿符也都是各有特色两厢和合法炼就猴符相比也不差了 于虎、熊二形也不知是这两种动物形态身就太过强大原因致身能力就够了 还是什么他原因 所有模板等级倒是都不低但就是没有如同金猴、意马那般有特色 灵青能大量模板填充中来凑数了 定了这七禽变化后他又将焰蝶、金蝉、青鲤、怪鱼、意马还有他青狮模板一同投入中 Yu Fa’s green pig, Ling Qing, wanted to think or gave up. At that time, the symbol changed again. There are 12 changes such as tiger, deer, bear, ape, crow, peacock, crane, carp, cicada, butterfly, horse…

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